
Hi, my name is Juachi and I am a Certified Life Coach based in London, UK. 

My journey to becoming a life coach was inspired by my own life coaching experience.

For most of my teenage years through to my early adult years, I struggled with impostor syndrome and low self-confidence. A few of years ago, I found myself stuck in a rut, doing the same thing day in and day out without the confidence I needed to chase my dreams. The company I worked for at the time brought in a life coach as one of their seasonal employee benefits, so I decided to try it out. That’s where my journey really began.

My coach helped me to see that the only thing stopping me from accomplishing my goals was myself. We worked together to identify the root cause of my issues and she guided me through the process of learning to control the inner critic within me.

After seeing what an enormous improvement life coaching made to my life, I was truly inspired. I wanted an opportunity to do the same for others - to share my journey and be a part of theirs. That’s how Journey with Ju was born! Now, I am dedicated to empowering women to harness their inner critic or any other limiting patterns and beliefs and ultimately, reach their personal goals.